The art of using quizzes as a learning and revision process is not new. Not only are quizzes will be fun for you, they will also a sneaky form of learning as they don’t feel like a traditional activity. Quizzes can help you practise existing knowledge while stimulating interest in learning about new subject matter.

Retrieval does, in fact, aid retention of a concept, as found by Roediger, Putnam and Sumeracki (2011). Reading information, then consolidating and testing that knowledge in the form of a quiz is an effective way of helping retain the information.

To help you prepare for an upcoming exam or test, why not prepare a quiz to highlight any gaps in learning? It will also create a template of keywords and phrases for you to memorise. Ten keywords or sentences is a lot easier to remember as a guide,  and seems far less daunting than having to revise the whole topic.